Minorca Mount, Denholme, Bradford. West Yorkshire BD13 4AY

01274 832123

Denholme Primary School

Happy Learners High Achievers


Welcome to Willow Class - Year 2

Autumn 1

 spring - Wiktionary

Class teacher: Mrs Pierce      

Support assistant: Mrs Kirk


 This is what we are learning this half term... 



Our focus this half term is place value. In year 2 we compare and order numbers from 1 to 100 and learn to recognise the place value of two-digit numbers, and will be able to use this to solve problems. We will also make use of number lines and will be able to use less than (<), more than (>), and equals (=) symbols. 

 Year 2 Place Value Planning | PlanBee Maths lessons        Free Year 2 Place Value Maths Worksheets - The Mum Educates     Place Value Charts - Year 2 | Teaching Resources


Our first focus text is 'The Gingerbread Man' which we are using to develop our narrative (story) writing, as well as our vocabulary, spelling and use of punctuation.

The Gingerbread Man: Ladybird First Favourite Tales

Next we will use the story of 'The Bog Baby' to develop our character descriptions and instructional writing.

The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis | Book | condition good - Picture 1 of 1


This half term we will be reviewing everything the children have learnt in phonics up to this point with more of an emphasis on spelling.  Spelling homework will be based on our phonics learning in class.



In Science our theme is 'Living Things and Habitats'. We will be learning to:

  • Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things
    that have never been alive
  • Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe
    how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and
    plants, and how they depend on each other
  • Identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including microhabitats
  • Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea
    of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food.

We will be visiting Ogden Water to investigate the habitats that can be found there.

What is a woodland habitat?


Our topic this term is 'Lets Explore Denholme'. Throughout this topic we will develop and use map skills and learn how to use an atlas. We are learning all about the United Kingdom and the names of the 4 countries and capital cities in the UK, we will also be able to find the UK on a world map. We will use our field skills to look at human and physical features and create a map of a walk around Denholme. We need to find a view of the valley from the top of a hill...

Hewenden Viaduct, from Denholme Edge | Tim Green | Flickr   



This half term our topic is games.  The children will learn to demonstrate control and balance in basic movements, such as avoiding other players. They will explore ball handling skills, controlling a moving ball and perform rolling and gathering skills.  Pupils will have the opportunity to further refine throwing and catching skills.




Homework is given on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday.

Please bring reading journals and reading books to school every day.

Reading books will be swapped every Friday.


The children have a spelling book which should be kept in the folder with their reading book.  Spellings will be given out on Fridays and tested on the following Thursday.  Please support your child at home to learn their spellings - the first words will be given out on Friday 13th September.


Please encourage your child to read every day or at least 3 times a week.  This can be their school book or a book from home that they enjoy.  Share the book with them and ask them questions about what they have read to check their understanding. Children will bring a reading book home every week to share with an adult.  These will be changed in school on a Friday.  

The children will choose a library book to bring home weekly.  Our library day is to be confirmed.