Welcome to Chestnut Class
Class Teacher: Miss Hartnett
Teaching Assistants:
Autumn Term
This half term we are learning about Place Value where we will learn to represent, partition and order numbers to 10,000. We will learn about Roman Numerals and how to round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000.
We will also be continuing with our school wide push towards increasing times tables fluency, so please encourage your child to work on their key instant recall facts and to practise their times tables.
Our writing stimulus is the text 'Flooded' by Mariajo Ilustrajo. We will be using this text to write simple sentences. e will enhance our writing by using adjectives, adverbs, fronted adverbials and expanded noun-phrases. We will focus on writing sentences with accuracy.
In Guided Reading, we are using a range of short texts to help with the VIPERS skills.
Our topic for this term is Connecting People and Places. During this topic, we will learn about the Leeds to Liverpool Canal, and the Keighley Worth Valley Railway.
In Science we will be learning about Electricity.
P.E / Swimming
Our P.E days are Monday. Children will need to come to school wearing their full school PE kit:
Plain black jogging bottoms, Plain black hooded jacket, Plain black shorts, Red school PE t-shirt, Plain black trainers
Swimming will also take place every Monday morning until February. Children will need to bring their swimming kit and a towel in a bag every Monday. They do not need arm bands / floats but long hair must be tied back.
Homework is sent out weekly. It will be sent out on a Monday and needs to be returned the following Monday. Please encourage your child to practise times tables at least four times per week using TT Rockstars.
Key Information:
Our Times Table test will be taking place in June. In class, we have been focusing on times tables practise and the children are learning how knowing your times tables confidently helps them in all aspects of Maths. It is important that children are becoming familiar with the format of the times table test, particularly the timed element. Please ask you child to practise several times a week, ideally every day for 20-25 minutes. Here are some links to websites which have tests similar to the one your child will take in June:
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Year 4 team.